Críticos de Darwin: George Paulin

What, encourages me to think that I have not been too late in entering upon this field of inquiry, and of subjecting what Science calls its creed to a critical investigation, is my perception of the fact that no one,so far as I am aware, has ever before inquired into and examined the fundamental principles of the Darwinian Theory.   Lo que me anima a pensar que no estoy retrasado al hacerme estas preguntas, y al someter a lo que…

Otra regla casi universal que aporta bien poco y un paseo por Kerguelen en el párrafo sexcentésimo octogésimo noveno del Origen de las Especies

  La regla: las producciones peculiares de las islas están relacionadas con las del continente más próximo.   La excepción: la Tierra de Kerguelen (Ver imagen 1)       689 Many analogous facts could be given: indeed it is an almost universal rule that the endemic productions of islands are related to those of the nearest continent, or of the nearest large island. The exceptions are few, and most of them can be explained. Thus, although Kerguelen Land stands…