Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship Opportunities at IOCAG

  The Instituto de Oceanografía y Cambio Global (Institute of Oceanography and Global Change), IOCAG, is a research institute that belongs to the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). IOCAG arises to structure and coordinate a number of consolidated and interdisciplinary research groups of ULPGC. It is intended to assess the ocean’s role in the climate change, while investigating how this change affects the planet in the singular marine and coastal ecosystems. IOCAG is seeking candidates to develop…


Marie Slodowska-Curie IF – International tendering for experienced researches who want to be hosted at a research-performing organisation (food technology and cereal processing) in Germany. IGV GmbH is a German Institute for cereals processing and looks for Postdocs that would like to join the IF Marie Curie Action. We offer the possibility to join our company in the area of food technology and cereal processing. The company itself is a SME which is close to Berlin in Germany. Specific actions…

Las Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie ya tienen página en Facebook

              Desde hace unos días se ha actualizado la página web de las Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie, no dudeis en darle al «me gusta» en vistas de la próxima Noche de los Investigadores 2014 que tendrá lugar el 26 de Septiembre en más de 250 ciudades europeas, se irán publicando noticias sobre los diferentes eventos.