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How to manage your EU funded research and innovation project in the most efficient way?


Get a practical insight into:

  • Avoiding financial mismanagement in your Horizon 2020 project;
  • Drafting a sound consortium agreement and handling IPR issues;
  • Putting together periodic and final reports;
  • Getting prepared for technical reviews and EC audits.

This 2-day training course will introduce the first crucial steps for getting a Horizon 2020 project started on the right foot, provide practical tips to ensure a sound technical implementation of your project, and go into the issues of financial management and reporting.

Over the years we have helped almost 1,000 project managers and coordinators in understanding the legal, technical and financial rules of the Research Framework Programme and managing European projects.

  1. Trainers are actual Project Managers and Coordinators. Our lecturers and workshop leaders are flesh-and-bone project managers and coordinators, whose day-to-day work is to make sure that their multiple projects are implemented according to EC Grant Agreement, problems are promptly tackled, and project partners adequately assisted in legal, technical and financial management issues.
  2. Lectures and practical workshops on project management and financial reporting. Experience Europa Media's well-known "learning-by-doing" approach – presentations in the morning, then use your newly-acquired knowledge during the workshops specifically designed for the particular topics:

Project Management and Technical Reporting

  • Grant Agreement negotiations – road to success and things that could go wrong.
  • Getting started – models on Consortium Agreement, advance payment, bank guarantees, and the kick-off meeting.
  • Efficient project management systems in practice – eligible and non-eligible costs, cost statements. Upgrading your system for Horizon 2020.
  • IPR issues in practice – how to protect you background and how to benefit from the foreground
  • Technical reporting – what to report and how?
  • Technical reviews – Prepare for the best and worst opinion of the EC and the reviewers.