Exploring the aquatic world and its threats

Places availables


Viernes 24 de 18:00h a 21:00h

Instituto IMDEA Agua

  • o Proyecto ECORISK2050. G.A. nº: 813124
  • o Proyecto CICLIC ECOREST. Ref. RTI2018-097158-A-C32 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)
  • o Proyecto μNanoCare. Retos Colaboración; Ref. RTC2019-007261-5

The activity will be developed at a booth where we will explain the basics of Ecotoxicology and the effects of chemical pollution on aquatic life. We will also address the different tasks we perform at our research group and show our experimental facilities. In addition, we will show some of the aquatic plants and invertebrates we use in our tests, which are also indicators of water quality in our rivers and lakes. During the whole activity, the participants will have the opportunity to interact with the researchers of the ECOTOX group and ask questions. Reservations are not required. Go directly to the IMDEA Water building on the same day of the activity.

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00