Can nature attenuate the contaminants generated in our homes?

Places availables


Viernes 24 de 18:00h a 21:00h

Instituto IMDEA Agua

  • o Proyecto BIOARBIO. Ref. IND2019/AMB-17191
  • o Proyecto FatePharM. Ref. CTM2017-89995-R (AEI/FEDER, UE)

The objective of this demonstration is to bring to the public the concepts of water consumption and the generation of contaminants in our homes, their transfer to the environment, the attenuation processes and the introduction in the food chain. Visitors will be able to take a tour around the different stands. They could discuss with the researchers the doubts or ideas about the presented concepts and how to apply on a day-to-day basis what has been learned for a rational use of water: 1. Water consumption and sources of pollutants: With practical examples and daily objects, the individual consumption of water in our homes can be visualized. Children will be able to play at guessing how much water they need and what things they do at home to "dirty" water. 2. Natural attenuation processes (biodegradation and sorption) and transfer to the food chain: Using small models and crop plants, we will show what happens to water pollutants when they reach nature, in general, and crops, in particular. Children will be taught how to do an experiment at home with colored lettuce. 3. Natural attenuation processes (soil-plant system): A runoff installation will be shown to explain the role of plants in preventing soil erosion and how the soil-plant combination acts in natural attenuation processes. It will be perfectly demonstrated how nature can be our ally, if we take care and protect it. Reservations are not required. Go directly to the IMDEA Water building on the same day of the activity.

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00
