New medicines development's game

Places availables


Viernes 24 a las 17:30 horas a 21:30 horas.

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Campus de Cantoblanco. Facultad de Ciencias.

There will be 2-4 teams per game. On a giant board, the teams will advance and in each square there will be a test related to the theme. The game will progress through the different phases of the development of a new medicine and when they complete these phases, there will be a special test so that they understand their importance, in which one of the following concepts will be reinforced: 1) cell tests reduce the animals needed for the next phase, 2) importance of animal studies, the 3 R's concept to reduce animal suffering, 3) a medicine at high doses is a poison, 4) the concept double blind, 5) adverse effects and pharmacovigilance.

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00
