IMDEA Alimentación - Eating healhty, an impact on you and the planet Do you know how?

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Viernes 24 en dos turnos 10-11-30/11.30-13h

Actividad online

Did you know that eating well influence your physical and mental development, and also is a key factor in the sustainability of the environment? The European Night of Researchers in Madrid is an initiative of the European Union to disseminate the importance of scientific knowledge for the welfare of society and to highlight the role of researchers that is held simultaneously in 350 European cities.2021 edition will be dedicated to the European Green Deal, a plan that includes fifty concrete actions to combat climate change, which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent in 2050. Pursuing the goal of sustainable food, one more year the iMDEA Food Institute joins to the #EuropeanResearchsNight with an activity framed within the project #AnnualFoodAgenda of EIT Food, aimed at students of ESO and Bachillerato where a team of researchers and nutritionists will conduct the workshop "Eating well impact on you and the planet Do you know how?" to analyze the background of the food we eat, how to make a healthy and sustainable menu for you and your environment, learning to eat in a healthy, simple and conscious and sustainable way for our planet. In order to follow the anticovid protocol, this year the activity will be hybrid, the first educational center interested in signing up for the activity will have the opportunity to offer their students the workshop on site, but we also offer any center that wants to join to connect virtually as the entire activity will be broadcast in streaming. We will also count on the collaboration of the Food Wave project coordinated by the Madrid City Council to connect with other participating centers. In addition, special emphasis will be placed on the consumption of energy drinks at this age since, according to a recent report by the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN), 40% of young people aged 14 to 18 years, especially boys, consume these drinks on a frequent basis. This report warns of the high consumption in young people and teens, and urges to improve labeling and duly inform about the potential health risks posed by a high intake of this type of products. Mº Isabel Espinosa, head of the Nutritional Genomics and Health Unit at IMDEA Food and Jorge Fernández, research assistant of the GENYAL platform, will be the researchers in charge of developing the face-to-face talk.

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00