Laura Barrutia

Laura Barrutia

Sobre mí

Laura Barrutia graduated in Physics in 2010 and got her PhD with a Thesis Award by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 2017.. Since the end of 2020, she is part of the Photovoltaics System Group at the Solar Energy Institute. Her research lines are focused on the optical loses of photovoltaic modules and the design of energy storage strategies. In the last few years, she has actively participated in several Spanish (14) and European research projects (5) in collaboration with public and private institutions from different countries, and in private contracts with Spanish companies. She has participated in more than 15 scientific conferences, and she is coauthor of more than 15 papers in JCR journals. Since 2015, she is a teaching assistant at the Department of Physical Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics of the Technical University of Madrid.

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