Höganäs Science Symposium, Orënäs Slot, Suecia, 16-17 Noviembre 2015
Wettability and Sinter-Brazing
EUROPM 2015, 4-7 Octubre 2015, Reims, Francia
Corrosion behaviour of Ti and Ti reinforced by addition of ceramic particles obtained by combination of Colloidal and Powder metallurgy techniques
Electrochemical comparative study of corrosion behavior in physiological conditions of conventional and powder metallurgy titanium alloys
Comparison between conventional and unconventional methods of sintering Inconel 718 MIM samples
Core-shell Ti(C,N)-Ni structures fabricated by chemical precipitation of Ni-based nanoparticles on TiCN suspensions and its implication in the processing of FeNi-based cermets
XI Congreso Nacional de Materiales Compuestos, 6-8 Julio 2015, Madrid
Estudio de fatiga térmica de cermets base hierro
V Congreso Nacional de Puvimetalurgia, 1-3 Julio 2015, Girona:
La composición del substrato: un parámetro clave en sinter-brazing
Potencial de las técnicas coloidales para el procesamiento de polvos metálicos finos. Casos de estudio
Nuevo procesamiento del circón (ZrSiO4) basado en moldeo por inyección de polvos con un ligante ecológico
Study of the effect of carbon contamination on the consolidation of an iron-based alloy by Field Assisted Hot Pressing (FAHP). Proposal to suppress the microstructural anisotropy generated.
14th International Conference of the European Ceramic Society, 21-25 Junio, 2015, Toledo:
Eco-friendly binder system development for powder injection moulding of Zirconium Silicate. A comparison with a commercial one.
Core-shell Ti(C,N)-Ni structures fabricated by chemical precipitation of Ni-based nanoparticles on TiCN suspensions and its implication in the processing of FeNi-based cermets.
Titanium Europe ITA, Mayo 11-13 2015, Birmingham
Surface modification of powder metallurgy Titanium by chemical diffusion of Mo for biomedical applications
IV Inernational Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, 9-13 Marzo, Barcelona, 2015
Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured systems based on Ag&ZnO obtained by solvothermal method for photocatalytic applications
EURO PM 2014, 21–24 Septiembre 2014, Salzburgo, Austria
Solid loading optimisation of extremely irregular particles
Feasibility study for the development of FeNbC cermets: effect of composition / C content
International Conference on Sintering 2014, August 24-28th, Dresden:
In-situ observations of fracture in lean steels with different microstructures
I Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores de la SECAT, 22-24 Junio 2014, Malaga
Influencia en la actividad fotocatalítica de sistemas híbridos basados en ZnO