UAM | "Dare to investigate: understand the world to save it"

Places availables
Viernes 29 a las 12.30h
Plaza Mayor, Campus de Cantoblanco
The mechanics of this game is of the 'treasure hunt' type. It will consist of a gymkhana in which to answer a series of simple questions about physics and whose tracks will be spread around the Plaza Mayor. The objective is to complete all the questions to decrypt a final message, which the participants will have to provide to the organization of the game.
Said message will be "Science + Yesterday = Today", in tune with the theme of the Night this year, and to highlight how basic research, the field to which the work carried out at the IFT belongs, has been and will be fundamental for the progress of society. Thanks to the research of great physicists and physicists of the past, today we can enjoy important innovations as a result of their work. Example: Einstein's General Relativity allowed the development of GPS.
Participation may be individual or in groups, and the games will have different levels adapted to the age of those who participate. The activity will have the support of the IFT research staff, who will serve as a guide and provide the necessary clues to complete the game. Through this gymkhana, we want to invite you to participate in an active and dynamic game in which to learn fundamental questions about physics. Those who manage to complete the game will be awarded a gift from the IFT.