UAM | The challenge of aging with a vital purpose

Places availables


Viernes 29 de septiembre desde las 17h hasta las 21h

Plaza Mayor, Campus de Cantoblanco


It is proposed to hold a contest about stereotypes of old age and aging, followed by a dynamic based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy aimed at identifying and implementing mechanisms to pursue the values ​​of the person and life purpose. The contest will be in question and answer format with four options, in which the team that faster press the button will be able to respond. The answer will have to be previously written on a white board. In case of hitting, it will be a point for that person, and in case of failure, there will be bounce and the next person or team will say what they have written on their board. If nobody got it right, no there would be a point in that round. An example would be: What percentage of older people between the ages of 75 and 80 years old have dementia? (a) 18%; (b) 21%; (c) 7%; (d) 11%. The data from our most recent research support the results of previous research showing that a protective factor from the negative effects of having negative beliefs and stereotyped attitude towards getting older is to maintain a high purpose in life. Once the participants of this activity have been able to verify for themselves how widespread we have the beliefs negative towards the elderly, we will propose a second activity to work on about his own purpose in life.

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00
