CSIC+12 Oct | All Science. CSIC's Night at 12 (morning)

Full capacity


Viernes 29 de septiembre 9:30 (Primaria), 12:00 (ESO/Bach)

Centro de Formación y Simulación Avanzada. Hospital 12 de octubre.


The well known science fair of the CSIC centres at the UAM campus, this year in collaboration with the Hospital October 12th. Pupils will enjoy a live scientific tour in small groups, compete in our gymkhana about the female Nobel scientists and visit the Centre for Advanced Simulations of the Hospital, usually closed to the general public. They will learn about materials science, chemical technologies, nanotechnology and medical research. The activity will take place at the Centre for Training and Advanced Simulation of the Hospital October 12th. There will be two passes: 5-6 grade Primary school from 9:30 to 11:30; 3-4 grade Secondary School and Bachelor from 12:00 to 14:00. Reservation is required.