Margarita Patricia Florencio Díaz

Margarita Patricia Florencio Díaz

About me

I am a professor and researcher at the Department of Ecology, Autonomous University of Madrid. I present extensive experience in the ecology of temporary Mediterranean lagoons as singular and vulnerable aquatic systems. Conserving these lagoons is now my top priority. I have developed sampling protocols for temporary ponds, addressing a wide variety of organisms, including invertebrates, amphibians, and aquatic plants, and determining the physicochemical and spatial characteristics of these ponds. Although I have worked mainly in the temporary lagoons of Doñana, I know the lagoons of the Azores islands well and I am addressing the conservation of the temporary lagoons of mainland Spain. In addition, I am an expert in the biology of invasions, and I have also been working for years on island biology. What I like the most is spending a good time with my friends, and if it can be traveling and on the beach, even better.

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