Eva Batanero

Eva Batanero

About me

PhD in Biological Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). She is currently Full Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at UCM, where she combines her teaching activity with research in the area of allergy. She has participated in several science outreach activities such as the "VIII edition "Finde Científico" (2017), "ExperimentÁrea Biomímesis" (UCM-MNCN, 2018 and 2020), "Schools’ Day en la Semana de la Educación" (2020) and "Educa en Biomímesis" (ACIERTAS de COSCE, 2022), and in outreach workshops in public libraries and educational centers. She is responsible for the science outreach group "Biomimicrying... we build a better world” In her free time she enjoys walking in nature, reading and traveling.

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