UAM | FROM THE PLATE TO THE CANVAS. Create your your own temperas from your vegetable residues.

Places availables


Viernes 29 de septiembre desde las 17h hasta las 21h

Plaza Mayor, Campus de Cantoblanco


Given this year's theme, we consider it appropriate to present the same activity as for the previous edition, it will explain the role of pigments in the plant world and the use that humans have made of them. A workshop will be held where attendees participate in the creation of homemade temperas from flour and natural pigments that can be found in any kitchen (turmeric, paprika, blueberry, spinach) In this way we intend to show attendees a method of using plant residues, in this case, to carry out activities artistic and that the participants can paint a picture to take as a souvenir.

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00
