IdISSC | Mens sana in corpore sano

Places availables


Viernes 29 de septiembre de 12:00 h a 14:00 h

Unidad de Medicina y Cirugía Experimentales. H. Clínico San Carlos, Sótano sur.


We investigate the reasons for the appearance of such devastating diseases, such as ALS and dementia, which appear in most cases without a known cause. We investigate the role that each person's metabolism, eating habits, lifestyle, and genetic inheritance may have in the appearance of these diseases, in order to try to prevent their appearance or progress. We will explain the way we have in the laboratory to address and investigate these diseases, such as the use of experimental animals, and we will show the main techniques we use, such as PCR, protein analysis and cell cultures.

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00