The most abundant renewable energy source on the planet, the Sun. How do you take advantage?: Photo-

Places availables


Viernes 29 de septiembre desde las 17h hasta las 21h

Plaza Mayor, Campus de Cantoblanco


Currently the world consumes about 85 trillion (85,000,000,000,000) kilowatt hours (kWh) of annual energy. Of all that energy, 30 trillion (30,000,000,000,000 kWh) correspond to world electricity production for the year 2020. To get an idea of ​​what a kWh is, we must bear in mind that with a kilowatt/hour we have enough electricity to power a personal computer for 2.5 hours. Or a clothes dryer for 15 minutes...All the batteries in the world (including the industrial, cars, telephones, computers, photo machines, flashlights, etc.) they could only accumulate a little less than 10 minutes of world electricity consumption”. Problem... The energy we consume is obtained mainly from fossil fuels such as oil, coal or natural gas. Its combustion releases a large amount of carbon dioxide, in fact, we have doubled the concentration of this gas in the atmosphere in the last 100 years. This gas favors the so-called greenhouse effect that causes an increase in the temperature of the planet. At the international level, countries have committed to targets to reduce Emissions of greenhouse gases. Furthermore, recent studies show that all world population can live decently without consuming so much energy. Solution: Obtaining energy from renewable sources.

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00
