IdISSC | Flow citometry in celiac disease diagnosis

Full capacity
Viernes 29 de septiembre de 10:00 h a 11:00 h (Primer turno) - de 11:00 h a 12:00 h (segundo turno)
Lab. Genética de enfermedades complejas. H. Clínico San Carlos, baja sur.
Celiac disease affects about 1 in 100 people. You probably know someone who cannot eat gluten-containing foods. However, about 75% of people with celiac disease do not know they have it. In addition, many people follow a gluten-free diet even without a diagnosis, sometimes because they believe it is healthier or because they follow recommendations without clear criteria, resulting in limitations in their social life or increased costs in their daily shopping. In this activity, we will show you how to use flow cytometry in the diagnosis of celiac disease, a simple and rapid technique that allows the identification of cell populations. Specifically, you will learn what type of cells are present in the intestine of people with celiac disease or how blood cells respond to gluten reintroduction, and you will also learn how to study these cells in our laboratory.