Francisco Javier Rodríguez Sánchez

Francisco Javier Rodríguez Sánchez

About me

Fco Javier Rodríguez Sánchez was born in Alcalá la Real (Jaén) in 1964. He obtained the degrees of Technical Engineer in Electronic Equipment (UPM 1985), Telecommunications Engineer (UPM 1990) and Doctor in Electronic Engineering (UAH 1997). Since 1988 he has been a lecturer at the UAH in the different teaching bodies (TEU and TU) until 2009, when he obtained the University Chair he holds today. In 1990 and 1991 he combined part-time teaching with a research position in the company Telettra España, working on the design of information transmission systems in fibre optic networks.
His research activity is divided into two parts. The first, in which his doctoral thesis is framed, runs from 1995 to 2002, and consisted of the application of control and artificial intelligence techniques to the guidance of autonomous mobile robots. Subsequently, from 2002 to the present, he refocused his lines of research on the application of electronic engineering to renewable energies, founding the GEISER group in 2004, which he currently directs. In the last 10 years, his research has focused on communications for smart energy grids, on the control of grid-connected converters and on the development of real-time embedded systems to implement the resulting control and communications algorithms. He has participated in 35 publicly funded research projects, 19 of them as Principal Investigator, and led more than 36 privately funded ones. He has participated in 52 publications in JCR journals and more than 80 papers in international conferences. He has supervised 14 doctoral theses and is currently supervising 5. He collaborates regularly with companies in the smart grid sector such as Iberdrola, Repsol, Gas Natural Fenosa, Indra, Orbis, Dinsa, CIRCE, Mytra, Smarkia, etc.

He is associate editor of the magazines Sensors and Energies. He is also a member of the Industrial Electronic Society and a regular reviewer for the journals IEEE T. on Industrial Electronics, IEEE T. on Power Electronics, IEEE T. on Instrumentation and Measurements, IEEE T. on Industrial Informatics, Energy, Sensors, Applied Energy etc., all of them JCR journals.

It maintains relations for researcher exchange with international research groups in microgrids and power electronics, such as those of the University of Aalborg -Denmark- (Frede Blaabjerg and Josep Guerrero), University of Kiel-Germany (Marco Liserre) and University Cergy-Pontoise Paris (Eric Monmasson).

In recent years it has won several awards in the subject of the project: finalist in three editions of the Enertic awards (2020-2022, award for the best idea of technology-based company (UAH) (2020), first prize Smart Energy Campus (URJC-UAH) (2019), award for Transfer of the Social Council of the UAH (2022).

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