David Abbasi Pérez

David Abbasi Pérez

About me

I am in awe of nature and all its beauty. It is easy to enjoy it just by looking around us, but there is also a hidden beauty, more difficult to perceive. I am referring to the hidden beauty of atoms and molecules, which, following simple (or not so simple) rules, create the universe in which we live.

My wish is to discover a little piece of that hidden beauty and share it with the world. Through simulations and computer graphics, I study and visualise concepts and ideas that unravel the workings of nature.

I obtained my degree in chemical sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. Afterwards, I moved to Oviedo, where I did my PhD in theoretical and computational chemistry. For almost 5 years I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at King's College London, designing ways to control the motion of atoms and molecules on surfaces.

Currently, I am a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid. My current field of study focuses on understanding how small but important molecules, such as carbon dioxide or water, behave with carbon nanotubes.

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