Ángel Manu Martínez

Ángel Manu Martínez

About me

Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2012). At the same institution, he completed a 2-year Interuniversity Master's Degree in Organic Chemistry (2014) and, in 2018, he earned his PhD in Organic Chemistry. During his pre-doctoral stage, he acquired vast experience in organic synthesis, organometallic chemistry, and selective C–H bond functionalisation processes catalysed by transition-metals. Likewise, he learned different techniques for detailed elucidation of reaction mechanisms, which has been praised by various international referees from different high-impact journals.
He did a postdoctoral stay (2018-2020) at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. Dr Lukas Gooßen; this facilitated his participation in industrial projects given the close (and continuous) collaboration between Gooßen's group and relevant chemical-companies such as Evonik AG or BASF SE. His postdoctoral research was focused on areas of renewed interest, i.e. electro- and photochemistry, also giving lectures on organic and organometallic chemistry to different university degrees (Bachelor and Master). He has presented 6 communications to national and international conferences, having received awards/scholarships in 3 of them. He is currently Assistant Professor in Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and researcher in the group of Organic and Organometallic Chemistry at the School of Pharmacy at San Pablo-CEU University (USP-CEU).

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LinkedIn: Ángel Manu Martínez