Carmen Mª Domínguez Torre

Carmen Mª Domínguez Torre

About me

Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials at UCM and mother of two little ones. She studied Chemical Engineering at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (2008) and did her PhD Thesis at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (2014). Her first contact with research was through a scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Science, during the last year of her career, thanks to which she discovered her research vocation. She enjoyed a research contract at the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (CSIC) and joined the Department of Chemical Engineering at UAM, where he completed her PhD Thesis. The branch of chemical engineering that has most attracted her attention is the environmental one, so she has oriented her research to developing environmental and remediation technologies. Thus, she joined the INPROQUIMA research group at the Complutense University of Madrid (, focused on developing and applying physicochemical technologies for soil and groundwater remediation. She has recently started a new line of research focused on removing micronanoplastics, emerging contaminants of growing concern. She believes that research is key to the continuous improvement of our environment. It is the key to progress. Basic research is necessary to advance knowledge, and applied research is necessary to respond to society's problems and improve our quality of life.

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