UFV| “Sustainable Municipal Markets. Circularizing the Vallehermoso market.”

Places availables


Exposición pública el viernes 29 de septiembre, de 19:30 a 21:00 horas.

Centro de Innovación de Economía Circular (CIEC). C / Prat, 59. Vicálvaro.


Get to know a food market with a circular management model. The Extraordinary Chair of Circular Economy in the Management of Public Markets (CECiM) UFV - Ayto. de Madrid has been working for 4 years to design and implement a sustainable management model for the city's municipal markets. Now we invite you to learn about the results of this collaboration between the public and private sectors with the Academy. Visit the exhibition where we will present a 3D printed scale model of a circular municipal market. In this event, you will be able to discover the key elements that make a market sustainable and how these principles can be applied throughout the network of public markets in Madrid, in line with the advances that can be found at www.vallehermosocircular.es After a plastic door (2021) and a vertical garden (2022), this year we will address the Vallehermoso market as a whole. We look forward to seeing you at the European Researchers' Night, an event full of learning, innovation and fun.

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00
