Elena Alonso Aperte

Elena Alonso Aperte

About me

Elena Alonso Aperte holds two degrees in Pharmacy and in Food Science and Technology (Complutense University in Madrid), and a PhD in Pharmacy from San Pablo CEU University (Madrid). Professor since 1996, she currently develops her professional life in the Faculty of Pharmacy at San Pablo CEU University, as Full Professor in Nutrition and Food Science and Director of the Food and Nutrition in Health Promotion research group (CEUNutriFOOD). Her research topics have always been closely related to the study of the new functions of folic acid, especially in relation to the prevention of congenital malformations, the regulation of homocysteinemia, the interaction with drugs and the prevention of cancer. Currently he is also working on the nutritional problems associated with aging and celiac disease, as well as assessing functional, ultra-processed and gluten-free products. Socioeconomical factors related to food, such as food literacy and sustainability are part of her recent research. Understanding people's nutritional problems and improving the food they have access to is their priority. Understanding nutritional problems and improving the food people have access to is her priority.

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Elena Alonso Aperte