Lluis Montoliu

Lluis Montoliu

About me

Lluís Montoliu
CSIC and CIBERER researcher, deputy director of the CNB, scientific secretary of the SEBBM

Lluís Montoliu (Barcelona, 1963) has a degree and PhD in Biology from the University of Barcelona, a researcher at the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Center for Networked Biomedical Research in Rare Diseases (CIBERER-Carlos III Health Institute) at the National Center for Biotechnology in Madrid, of which he is currently Vice Director. He is the Director of the Spanish node of the European archive of mutant mice (EMMA / INFRAFRONTIER). He has been an honorary professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid for 20 years and is currently an honorary professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has worked in Barcelona, Heidelberg (Germany) and Madrid. He investigates rare diseases, such as albinism, using genetically modified animal models (mice) with CRISPR gene editing tools, the use of which he pioneered in Spain. He has been a member and Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the CSIC and adviser to the Presidency of the CSIC on issues of ethics and Science Europe. He sits on the ERC ethics panel in Brussels. He has founded and chaired various scientific societies. He currently chairs ESPCR and ARRIGE. He has written several popular science books on CRISPR, genetics, albinism, and rare diseases. He has received numerous awards for his research and for his great outreach activity.

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