About me

I am Christian Arnanz Porras, a researcher and PhD student in the Basic and Applied Ecology of Continental Aquatic Ecosystems (I-WET) research group, from the Department of Ecology of the Autonomous University of Madrid. Until now, I have investigated the ecological impact of recreational uses in Las Presillas del Lozoya and the potential for amphibian conservation in waterholes and ponds in the Cañada Real Conquense. Currently, I am developing my Doctoral Thesis within the framework of the ClimaRiskinPond project, in which our main objective is to create perspectives for the conservation of temporary lagoons in mainland Spain.
I love doing routes through the mountains, climbing and especially going through rivers and visiting lagoons, always with a camera in hand to capture the small inhabitants of these ecosystems, such as macroinvertebrates and amphibians.

More info:,-Christian/1446822727972.htm?language=es&pid=1242665012188&title=Arnanz%20Porras%20Christian