Carmen María Fernandez Martos

Carmen María Fernandez Martos

About me

I’m Associated Professor in Pharmacology and the Principal Investigator of a lab called MetBrain (Grupo de estudio sobre alteraciones metabólicas asociadas a patologías neurodegenerativas), which is located at the School of Pharmacy, at the San Pablo CEU University. In addition, I’m a scientific disseminator, part of a big team of researchers, which love science and technology, called “Ciencia a la Carta”. And the most important, I’m a mum of three little monsters, which push my brain to the limit daily- the brain is my other big passion.
I studied Biology in Jaen, and then I completed my PhD on Chemistry, at University of Castilla La-Mancha, and my master in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine, at The Autonomous University in Madrid. As a doctor, within the National Hospital for Paraplegics in Toledo, I’m specialised in the design of therapies to repair the spinal cord injury using leptin- a main metabolic hormone produced by the fat tissue, with important functions at the nervous system. My interest to deep understand leptin’s function in the brain, and these career achievements allow me to work in Australia, at The Wicking, a centre of excellence for research, education and support for those affected by dementia and other neurological diseases. Within this Institution, I open my research line focusing in determine the neuroprotective role of leptin in
Alzheimer’s disease and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which have no cure. The study of ALS is the main interest of my research lab.
When I’m along with myself and leave my mind fly, I have a dream- cure ALS.

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