Esther Gramage Caro

Esther Gramage Caro

About me

Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of San Pablo CEU University. I have always been interested in knowing more about the brain and people's health: Why do diseases of the nervous system occur? How can we find more effective treatments for these diseases? These questions led me to study Pharmacy at San Pablo CEU University, where I did my PhD Thesis in the field of Neuroscience. After a postdoctoral stay at the University of Michigan (USA), I was able to rejoin the Faculty of Pharmacy at San Pablo CEU University, where I am fortunate to combine two tasks that excite me: my classes in Pharmacology and Toxicology, with my research in Neuroscience. My studies focus on the search for new therapeutic targets for the treatment of different diseases of the nervous system, such as neurodegenerative diseases or drug addiction. Apart from this, my three young children take most of my free time. We love spending time together and enjoy spending time with family and friends.

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