UEM | Microbiota, Food and Health

Full capacity


Viernes 29 de septiembre a las 17:30 horas hasta las 19:15 horas.

Universidad Europea de Madrid. Campus de Villaviciosa de Odón. Edificio A. Laboratorio de Teconología de los Alimentos. Planta Baja


Practical workshop in which it will be explained: What is the intestinal microbiota? What is dysbiosis? What role does the microbiota play in the development of non-communicable diseases? -The intestine: our second brain -Role of the microbiota in neurological and psychiatric diseases and disorders -How can we “correctly” feed the microbiota? The activity will focus on the role that a healthy lifestyle plays in the state of the microbiota, and how it participates in health-disease states thanks, among other things, to its functionality. Nutrition and physical exercise modulate the microbiota, and prebiotic nutritional supplementation can help establish a healthy microbiota. It will be carried out in the food technology laboratories of the European University of Madrid, beginning with a short theoretical introduction and then moving on to the practical part focused on food, where attendees will be able to prepare dough to investigate gluten and prepare certain infusions and tasting them learning their benefits that have been studied by the research group that will develop the activity.
