UAM | Science with UAM in Casa de Fieras: Legend of the maps. A geopoetic reading of cartography

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Jueves 28 de septiembre a las 19:00

Biblioteca Eugenio Trías (Parque del Retiro)


Legend of the maps. A geopoetic reading of cartography The word “legend” has two meanings: one cartographic and the other literary. Cartographic refers to the box on the map where the symbols are explained: scales, contour lines, etc. The literary one alludes to the genre of narratives that inspire those images on the maps. Well, both coexist in this conference that will have three parts: “In space we read time”, we make a history of cartography intervened by literature; In “The language of maps” we deal with their reading codes: countries, fauna, flora, islands, etc.; and in “Maps, literature and travel”, we draw an atlas of universal literature, because if we map some of its masterpieces we bring to light evidence that has gone unnoticed in reading. Pedro García Martín is a historian and writer. Professor of Modern History at the Autonomous University of Madrid, he has taught in Italy, Finland, Portugal, France and in six MOOCs. As a writer, he has cultivated several literary genres and his novels, El químico de los Lumière and Contra tiranos, stand out.

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starting septembre 13 at 09:00