#11F | How mobile phones communicate - our friends the Bits

Full capacity


Jueves 8 de febrero a las 09:00h

Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Paloma. C/ de Tabernillas, 2. Madrid.


In this workshop we are going to play at communicating like mobile phones do. We will learn their language and the way they transmit and receive information. We will start with a brief presentation where we explain what engineering is with practical examples from our daily lives. This activity of the UC3M is part of a scientific dissemination action “Researchers at schools” of MADRIDNIGHT, a project coordinated by the madri+d Foundation and financed by the European Union within the Horizon Europe Program for research and innovation, under the grant agreement number 101,061,343. In addition, she is part of “An Engineer in every school", an initiative of the Women for Technological Innovation network of the Association of Women Researchers and Technologists (AMIT-MIT). MiFuture project (GA 101119643). More information: https://mifuture.tsc.uc3m.es/
