Grand Challenges in Computational Biology, 2-4 de Junio, Barcelona

De parte de Josep Ll. Gelpi me acaba de llegar un correo informando que el plazo de envío de comunicaciones para la conferencia Grand Challenges in Computational Biology, organizada de forma conjunta por Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) e IRB Barcelona, ha sido ampliado hasta el próximo 7 de Abril. Además, ese día también vence el plazo para la inscripción a precio reducido en la conferencia. Para obtener más información, sólo teneis que consultar la web, o bien escribir un correo a

A continuación os incluyo el correo original, donde se proporcionan algunos detalles adicionales sobre la conferencia:

Dear colleague,

We get in touch with you to communicate that abstract submission deadline
for the Joint BSC - IRB Barcelona Conference "Grand Challenges in
Computational Biology" has been extended till 7th April 2008. Reduced fee
registrations will be also available until that date.

Poster communications concerning Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and
High Performance Computing are acceptable. Some of the communications
received will be selected for oral presentation. Besides, Physical
Chemistry-Chemical physics (PCCP) journal will offer an economic prize to
the best poster, and also give the opportunity to submit an extended paper
to be published at the journal.

This conference will take place in June 2nd - 4th in Barcelona (Spain).
During this meeting, leaders in the field will review the current state of
the art in computational biology, from atomistic simulation to systems
biology. The aim is to present this field as a wide and multidisciplinary
scenario, where microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic simulation tools are
used with the common objective to shed light on the behaviour of living
organisms. Overall, this workshop will be a meeting point for computational
biologists and computer scientists to share information on challenges in
computational biology and how these can be answered by new software and
hardware solutions.

For more information, please visit or

We hope to see you in Barcelona during this event!

Kind regards,

Josep Ll. Gelpi on behalf of
BSCIRB 2008 Organizing Committee


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