Certification of Mentors and Managers at the madri+d Foundation (26 hours)

In-house Certification of Mentors and Managers

Alliances with partner Organizations for Certification

business mentor madri+d: International Quality Mentoring Certification

Do you want to identify the knowledge and skills needed in effective Quality Mentoring for Entrepreneurs?


Since 2006 madri+d Foundation, body responsible for the Evaluation and Accreditation of Degrees in the Madrid Region, supports the development of Mentoring for Entrepreneurs based on its international reference, the madri+d Mentoring Network, in collaboration with best International Venture Mentoring Programmes.


The  "business mentor madri+d" certification helps you to effectively boost your work as Mentor of Entrepreneurs or as Manager of Entrepreneurship Support Programmes, implement a proven work methodology and acquire new skills to facilitate and manage more effective Mentoring Relationships.

1,5 h

Financial structure in a startup


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9,5 h

Case Studies


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1,75 h

Presentation. The mentoring process. madri+d Key principles and Methodology. The international experience. The certification process


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1,5 h

Mentoring of the commercial function in a startup. Talent attraction


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1 h

Coaching techniques for teams of entrepreneurs


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2,5 h

Personal skills to effectively manage mentoring relationships


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1,5 h

Development of the business model. Main aspects to consider in the mentoring relationship


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1,5 h

Financial structure in a startup


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1 h

Communication 4.0 to stakeholders


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1 h

Digital Transformation and Agile Management


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1,5 h

Mentoring for the internationalization of startups


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0,75 h

A Mentoring Experience. Key Elements


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1,5 h

Basic legal concepts for Mentors of Entrepreneurs


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see all Training subjects
"The worst misfortune that can happen to a human being is to find no one in his life, to help him achieve what he is capable of achieving" (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Julio Marco
Member of the Panel of Experts business mentor madri + d
126/5000 "Internationalization can open opportunities, but also risks, that the entrepreneur needs to manage properly"
Julio Fernández-Gayoso
Member of the Panel of Experts business mentor madri + d
"The mentor is not to tell the entrepreneur what to do, but to challenge him, to act as a devil's advocate, to push him to go further"
Roberto Espinosa
Member of the Panel of Experts business mentor madri + d
"The mentor is a guide who puts learning experiences in order, so facilitates the path of the mentee and challenges him constantly"
Tomás Otero
Member of the Panel of Experts business mentor madri + d
"Mentoring is the ideal complement to the creativity and passion of the entrepreneur, because the mentor brings global vision, knowledge and previous experiences. And all this is necessary to address the risks and the coverages needed in a start-up"
Rosa Allegue
Member of the Panel of Experts business mentor madri + d
"In order to maximize the impact of mentoring on the entrepreneur activity we need solid and widely tested tools"
Eduardo Díaz
Member of the Panel of Experts business mentor madri + d
"It is necessary to validate the idea, to be good in one aspect of the business plan to build success on that basis"
Pedro Guerra
Member of the Panel of Experts business mentor madri + d
"Leadership and team management are key for the entrepreneur, and mentoring can help you detect the richness and diversity of the talent you need for your start-up"
Ana María Aceituno Alcalá
Member of the Panel of Experts business mentor madri + d
"Building a business is difficult. Getting financing is difficult. So imagine doing both at the same time. The mentors have been there, we know what to do, and our passion is to help."
Miguel Angel López Truillo
Member of the Panel of Experts business mentor madri + d

24 June 2024

Una experiencia real de un proceso mentoria de la Red de Mentores madri+d

En este artículo, queremos compartir la experiencia de Inertialis, proyecto emprendedor que ha recibido recientemente el apoyo de la Red de Mentores madri+d. A través de sus palabras, conoceremos cómo la mentoría recibida ha impactado positivamente en su trayectoria, tanto desde la perspectiva del emprendedor mentorizado como desde la de la mentora que lo acompañó en este proceso. Un viaje de aprendizaje mutuo En el dinámico mundo del emprendimiento, la búsqueda del éxito es una aventura llena de retos y oportunidades. En este camino, la figura del mentor se ha convertido en un faro que guía a los emprendedores hacia…

The post Una experiencia real de un proceso mentoria de la Red de Mentores madri+d first appeared on Emprendedores de Base Tecnológica.

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17 June 2024

Los programas de mentoría: Un gran facilitador para los emprendedores y empresarios

Los programas de mentoría son una herramienta valiosa para los emprendedores y empresarios, especialmente en las etapas iniciales de un negocio o cuando se encuentran en fases de crecimiento o reenfoque. En el presente artículo abordaremos los objetivos, ventajas y la evidencia que respalda la efectividad de la mentoría para los emprendedores y empresarios. El mundo de las empresas en sus primeras etapas de vida o de replanteamiento está plagado de incertidumbres y desafíos. Navegar por éste sin un guía experimentado puede ser una receta para el fracaso. Es aquí donde entran en juego los programas de mentoría, ofreciendo a…

The post Los programas de mentoría: Un gran facilitador para los emprendedores y empresarios first appeared on Emprendedores de Base Tecnológica.

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