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It is with pleasure that I welcome you to the CAETS 2017 Convocation which will take place in Madrid, on 13-16 November, 2017.

Under the CAETS motto of Engineering a Better World, this year there will be a 2-day conference centered on Engineering and the Bioeconomy. World-leading international experts will present and discuss topics such as future food security, the new genetic engineering, the blue bioeconomy, and new renewable energy models. The CAETS 2017 Conference will take place in Madrid on 14 -15th November, 2017, and aims at presenting the state of the art of Engineering and the Bioeconomy and, at the same time, it will offer ample opportunities for debate and discussion on how innovations will contribute to advancing the Bioeconomy.

The International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS) and the Royal Academy of Engineering in Spain (RAI) cordially invite you to attend this Convocation and the Conference, and to contribute your knowledge and experience from the various engineering disciplines to the debates that would take place in CAETS 2017 this coming November.