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The EIT’s Innovation Forum 'INNOVEIT 2017' combines the EIT Awards and the EIT Stakeholder Forum. This year has a specific focus on shaping the future of innovation in Europe and consulting stakeholders on the EIT's Strategic Innovation Agenda for 2021 to 2027.

We will also celebrate the entrepreneurial achievements of the EIT Community and highlight successful innovations and the teams that created them. We wish to inspire a new generation of young professionals by facilitating new personal contacts with entrepreneurial role models and showcasing how the EIT can help to develop entrepreneurial careers.

The EIT Alumni CONNECT event, which is the annual forum for EIT graduates to network, will be organised back-to-back with INNOVEIT 2017.

INNOVEIT 2017 will bring together around 600 entrepreneurs, representatives of higher education and research, EU, national and regional policy makers, as well as EIT graduates and other key innovation actors.

In an inspiring and interactive way, INNOVEIT 2017 will:

Discuss "Shaping innovation in Europe" and consult on the EIT's Strategic Innovation Agenda 2021-2027

Showcase successful innovations and ventures emerging from the EIT Community, including their development and their effect on societal challenges, and present the next generation of entrepreneurs and change makers.