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This Scientific, online conference invites all scientists and especially students and junior researchers from all over the world to present their works.

QUESTI 2017 is already acknowledged multidisciplinary conference based on online presence. Already several years, we fulfill our vision to encourage starting researchers for presenting their results, to get feedbacks from experienced researchers.

The main conference goal is to cover: multidisciplinary studies and approaches.

We invite all potentially interested authors to prepare a short presentation (paper) on Global problems to deliver state-of-the-art analysis, inspiring visions and innovative research methods arising from interdisciplinary current research.

The aim is to make overview of current research in economics, social activities, informatics, biophysical, technological and institutional aspects of current, future life and other scientific disciplines.

Full Paper Submission Deadline: November 10, 2017 Author Notification about Acceptance of the paper: November 27, 2017