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Each year, the World Space Week Association (WSWA) selects a theme for the upcoming World Space Week (WSW) to provide a focus of the activities and events that take a place throughout the world, during 4-10 October . WSWA is pleased to announce the 2017 World Space Week Theme: "Exploring New Worlds in Space".

The 2017 World Space Week Theme is an outward facing theme that serves to inspire the World. It puts as a focal point astrobiology missions like New Horizons (NASA's first mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt); feats on engineering such as Lockheed Martin's Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (NASA's first spacecraft designed to facilitate long-duration, human-rated deep space exploration of new worlds) and efforts of New Space actors such as Space X (revolutionary space technology projects with ultimate goal of enabling people to inhabit other planets like Mars) and other entities with a vision for exploration and utilization of extraterrestrial resources, such as metals from asteroids, water from the Moon, and unlimited solar energy in Earth orbit.

From the first race to the South Pole, and first solo flight accross Atlantic, to the opening of a sea route from Europe to the East, exploration and adventures have always defined our very existence as inhabitants of planet Earth. World Space Week celebrations in 2017 will open-up avenues to improve the vast human knowledge and awareness of the clear benefits of space technology and its applications. This will also illustrate that our exploration potential has no end, and that the sky is not the limit for the many wonders of human discovery. Last year's inward looking theme "Remote sensing: Enabling our future" celebrated Earth Observation from the Space for the betterment of human race and witnessed a record-braking 2700+ events from a total of 86 participating countries. This made it by far the largest space celebration in history and we hope to surpass that in 2017!

According to the WSWA's Executive Director, Dr. Timiebi Aganaba-Jeanty, "This year's theme will enable the debates surrounding where we explore next, be it on Moon, Mars or even beyond, to inspire event organizers to set up exciting space exploration events at schools, universities, science centres, planetaria, astronomy clubs, companies, and even museums. By appealing to our human nature, which loves exploration and adventure, World Space Week 2017 could be the biggest ever." Anyone, from anywhere in the world, can create a World Space Week event. "Our 2017 theme is to be used as a guideline for creating events, however, WSWA accepts the registration of any space-related events, held between 4-10th October as an official World Space Week event" said Goran Nikolasevic, WSWA's Operations Manager.

WSW event organizers are encouraged to incorporate the theme and poster into their activities and promotional materials. To see the history of World Space Week themes, please click here.

How do you celebrate World Space Week? It is much simpler than you may think! Just have a look at these simple steps on How to Organize a World Space Week Event.