10 años de Redes Complejas

Finaliza el año y, como es habitual, casi todos los medios de comunicación hacen balance. La revista Science no solo publica las noticias más relevantes del año 2010, da un paso más y dedica una sección a los «Insights of the decade«, que mayoritariamente son temas de microbiología y cosmología. Pero no me resisto a comentar que en el artículo introductorio «Stepping Away From the Trees For a Look at the Forest» también destaca las Redes Complejas:

To get a handle on all [the] interconnectedness and grasp the ways information travels through complex systems, theorists have spawned a new field called network science. The field took off about 10 years ago, after physicists developed mathematical models to explain some of the network phenomena sociologists had observed. Now, thanks to technologies that make possible measurements on thousands of genes or proteins at once and to computers that can track and analyze the movements, voting habits, or shopping preferences of millions of people, the network approach is bursting into full flower. A host of new insights are bound to lie just ahead. But that is a tale for another decade.

Pues a ver si conseguimos ser uno de los grupos que da con alguno de esos «new insights» y en 2011 publicamos en Science… y os lo contamos. ¡FELIZ AÑO 2011 A TODOS!


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  1. […] To get a handle on all [the] interconnectedness and grasp the ways information travels through complex systems, theorists have spawned a new field called network science. The field took off about 10 years ago, after physicists developed mathematical models to explain some of the network phenomena sociologists had observed. Now, thanks to technologies that make possible measurements on thousands of genes or proteins at once and to computers that can track and analyze the movements, … [Seguir leyendo…] blogs madri+d Master Site Feed […]

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