The SME Instrument facilitates access to finance for small and medium-size companies with potential for innovation, growth and great opportunities to lead international markets in the medium term. This H2020 instrument will be applicable to all types of innovation, including non-technological and service innovation.
This program is developed in three phases that will cover the complete cycle of innovation for SMEs:
- Phase 1. Concept and feasibility assessment.
- Phase 2. R&D, demonstration and commercial replication.
- Phase 3. Marketing.
madri+d Foundation for Knowledge makes the following services available to interested SMEs:
Initial Advice
It helps to identify the European initiative that is best suited, and to guide the project.

See our basic guide to preparing proposals for the Horizon 2020 SME instrument
High-potential companies benefiting from the SME Instrument receive the services and support best suited to the successful exploitation of their innovation project. madri+d Foundation helps them to identify suitable coaches and informs about the additional technical support services available at regional and national level, which allow SMEs to successfully complete the phases of their innovation project presented. This service receives funding from Horizon 2020.
Innovation Services
It offers a specialized diagnostic service aimed at improving the management of their internal innovation systems. To this end, various aspects of the company will be analyzed and evaluated, such as: innovation strategy, organization, innovation culture, processes and life cycle of innovation, training factors, as well as the results derived from innovation. As a result of this service, the companies that request it will be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and obtain a proposal for an action plan on these elements in order to improve their innovation and competitiveness management system. This diagnosis works with a consolidated methodology and internationally certified tools.
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