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International collaboration is a key driver for promoting knowledge transfer, boosting scientific progress and supporting exchange of ideas in research. In the framework of the significance of cooperation to enhance competitiveness in science, the Spanish National Cancer research Centre (CNIO) and the Weizmann Institute of Science with the support of the Ramón Areces Foundation are organizing a Symposium on “New Insights in Cancer Discovery”. The field of cancer research continues advancing at a fast pace but the complexity of this disease requires collaboration among researchers from different institutions and countries to create incubators of new ideas, joint projects, and novel discoveries.

Investigators from the CNIO and the Weizmann Institute of Science, who have substantially contributed to the field of cancer research through outstanding discoveries, will present their most exciting and recent scientific findings to spur discussion and identify synergies for future initiatives in the growing area of cancer research. From the cellular gatekeeper p53, cellular division, genomic instability and ageing to targeted therapies, tumour heterogeneity and the role of the tumour microenvironment, among others, the scientific insights provided by these internationally renowned speakers will offer a broad view of cancer discovery.

This symposium represents a first step towards a long-term framework of collaboration between the CNIO and the Weizmann Institute of Science to create joint initiatives and strengthen ties among researchers of both institutions. We hope this scientific symposium will lay the foundation for a robust and fruitful international partnership.