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The trainer is an experienced project consultant and manager

Juliane''s expertise in ITNs stems from more than 10 years of consulting (as National Contact Point in Switzerland and as an independent consultant). Several coordinators of ITN's have relied on her expertise for the successful completion of their ITNs (e.g. 96%, 99.4%, 98.6 % in the last years). As project manager for the MSCA-COFUND action Empapostdocs-II She knows and will share with you the ins and outs of efficient project management for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.

Workshop on ITN

This fast-track course is intended to provide a complete insight into the successful set-up of an Innovative Training Network through a mix of lecture and interactive exercises. The training will primarily focus on 'Part B' of the project, but also cover the main set-ups of ITNs, the EU and evaluators' expectations, and tips and tricks from successful coordinators.

Is this training right for me?

This course is right for you when you intend to submit and coordinate an MSCA-ITN proposal for the 2019 call and are already familiar with the basics of this funding scheme.

Participants can be from academia or non-academia alike.

The training fee includes

Training material in electronic format

Coffee breaks and lunch at the venue

Access to our My Trainings (downloadable presentations, background documentation, workshop materials, partner search)

Access to Europa Media's private LinkedIn group where you can ask our project managers any questions you might have after the training

Certificate of attendance

Accommodation is not included in the course price and should be arranged individually by the participants.

(To book a hotel room at the venue hotel, booking form can be downloaded from the confirmation email received after registration)


If you are interested in improving also your Horizon 2020 proposals developing skills join us for the H2020 Proposal Writing Academy from 16-18 of October.


EARLY BIRD RATE: € 590 (register by 30th August 2018)