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OECD's Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation.

A key objective of this Conference is to identify the research, business and policy challenges in this area for the decade to come, and to provide guidance to the EU industrial research and innovation policy agenda.

CONCORDi 2017 will discuss issues related to the economics and policy of corporate R&D and innovation, such as:
  • Employment, productivity and growth effects of firms' investment in Research, Development and Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship and firms demographics in knowledge intensive activities, and the impact on industrial composition
  • Industrial modernisation (advanced manufacturing, digitalisation of production, etc.) and its dynamics
  • Current technological frontiers (e.g. big data and new analytical techniques such as artificial intelligence) and next generation of technological discoveries (identification, effects and policy issues)
  • Geography of industrial innovation and territorial development: challenges and opportunities in the EU Knowledge flows and collaboration between companies and other actors of innovation ecosystems at different territorial levels
  • R&D and innovation activities in global value chains

CONCORDi 2017 shares the unique approach of previous Conference editions in linking science and policy around relevant questions. It is thus primarily addressed to the researchers and practitioners communities, but also to industrialists and policy makers.

In order to ensure policy relevant outcomes of the conference, academic contributions are expected to focus on topics the relevance of which is supported by empirical evidence.
A re-assessment of the relevant policy agenda, both of its conceptual remits (topics and policy questions-problems to address) and of its main actors, will be discussed, based on recent research findings.

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The Conference will be structured in plenary sessions (with interventions by invited speakers and round-table panellists), parallel sessions (with presenters selected following the call for papers) and posters sessions.
There will be no conference registration fee.
Call for Papers is now open. Deadline for submissions: 9 May 2017
Authors are invited to submit an electronic version of their papers, or an extended abstract of at least 1 and half pages, to