Dynamic behaviour of composite materials for next generation aeroengines DYNACOMP

DYNACOMP is an European Industrial Doctorate (EID) focused on the design of the next generation of composite materials for applications of high speed of deformation. This goal will be achieved through the development of a consistent, physically based multiscale simulation strategy based on the dynamic properties of constituent materials (fiber, matrix and matrix/fiber interface), which will be measured using an innovative micromechanical test methodology.
Two of the main milestones of this project will be: (1) provide 2 pre-doctoral researchers with multidisciplinary and intersectoral training with the aim of establishing a new composite materials design paradigm, and (2) provide European industry with new tools for the incorporation of new composite materials into the next generation of aircraft engines (which will be transferable to numerous other sectors in which composite materials have been identified as a key enabling technology - transport, energy generation and biomedical applications). To achieve these objectives, DYNACOMP has a team made up of a research institute (IMDEA Materials), two industrial companies (HEXCEL and Micro Materials), an university (Polytechnic University of Madrid) and an entity dedicated to promoting the quality of higher education, science, technology and innovation (madri+d Foundation).
The academic-industrial training program offered by this EID ensures that the innovative aspects of the proposed research find rapid industrial integration and, at the same time, will offer participating pre-doctoral researchers excellent opportunities for professional development.
Maximum funding madri+d Foundation for Knowledge: 5,000€
Duration: 48 months (September 2016- August 2020)
Participating Institutions
IMDEA Materials |
Spain (Coordinator) |
United Kingdom |
MM |
United Kingdom |
Polytechnic University of Madrid |
Spain |