Integrated Water Resources Management

Regiones Participantes
IWRM-NET is an ERA-Net project, coordinated by the International Office for Water and funded by the European Commission, that has started in January 2006 and will end in 2010. The projwect is coordinated by the International Office for Water (France).
The 17 research programme managers currently involved has decided to tackle the challenge of implementing new research activities at national and regional levels in the field of Integrated Water Resource Management with a strong focus on the Water Framework Directive.
País/Región |
Organismo |
Siglas |
Web |
France |
Office International de l'Eau |
OIEau |
Germany |
Project Management Organisation Research Centre Karlsruhe, division 'Water Technology and Waste Disposal' |
Austria |
Umweltbundesamt |
United Kingdom |
Scotland & Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research |
France |
Ministère de l'Ecologie et du Développement Durable |
Netherlands |
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Directorate General for Public Works and Water Management, Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment |
United Kingdom |
Environnment Agency |
EA |
Belgium |
Centre Environnement - University of Liege |
Finland |
Finnish Environment Institute |
Greece |
National Technical University of Athens |
Hungary |
Central Directorate for Water and Environment |
Latvia |
Latvian Council of Science |
Portugal |
Foundation for Science and Technology/Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia |
Romania |
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development |
Sweden |
Swedish Environment Protection Agency |
Spain |
Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d |
madri+d |
Spain |
Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte |
Germany |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft |
www.bmbf.de |
Área |
Programa |
6th Framework Programme - ERA-NET project n° ERAC-CT-2006-026025
Duración |
January 2006 - January 2010 |
Objetivo |
The strategic objective addressed by IWRM-NET, is to implement research programmes at the trans-national and trans-regional levels related to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).
An additional objective is to achieve better mutual recognition of local (i.e. national and regional) research efforts. Building on this, it aims to develop joint activities such as collaboration on research projects.
Also IWRM-NET will promote enhanced links between the different disciplines in order to propose to water managers and competent authorities, appropriate tools they can use at a reasonable cost.
Actividades |
- Development of the specifications of the Knowledge tool. Updating and maintenance of information
- Analysis of short and medium term research needs. Research Needs Assessment (RNA) practices and identification of best practices
- Strategic research:Identifying and mapping existing and future-oriented activities. Anticipating the impacts in 2015 of the WFD policy : joint dissemination of existing results
- Trans-national research: Implementing trans-national ex ante and ex post project evaluation procedures, a trans-national indicator based system for programme self-assessment, developing a topical joint research work programme.
- Conduct trans-national Research Calls for proposals
- Liaison with other initiatives
- Dissemination Strategy
Convocatorias |
Second Research Call
Launched to support projects on the following topics
- Climate change impacts and adaptation for IWRM
- Water Scarcity and Droughts
- Economics for IWRM: Social and Environmental Evaluation for decision making and Incentive measures to regulate uses
Deadlines of the Call:
Opening of the Call 1st July 2009
Deadline for proposals 15th October 2009
Preanuncio segunda convocatoria en formato PDF (101 kb)
Condiciones de participación en formato PDF (49,8 kb)
Principles of Joint Call en formato PDF (96 kb)
Common Regulations en formato PDF (49 kb)
Application form guide for proposers en formato WORD (275 kb)
Más información:
Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d
Teléfono: +34 91 781 6570
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