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ESOF (EuroScience Open Forum) is the largest interdisciplinary science meeting in Europe. It is dedicated to scientific research and innovation and offers a unique framework for interaction and debate for scientists, innovators, policy makers, business people and the general public.

Created in 2004 by EuroScience, this biennial European forum brings together over 4 000 researchers, educators, business actors, policy makers and journalists from all over the world to discuss breakthroughs in science. More than 40% of the participants are students and young researchers.

ESOF 2018 is constructed around the motto "Sharing science: towards new horizons". The event will be divided into six different sections: "Science", "Science Policy", "Science to Business", "Careers", "Media & Communication" and the festival "Science in the City". Scientific sessions will focus on four cross-cutting themes: "Risk and safety", "Inequalities", "Gender issues", "Ethics" and ten thematic areas:

  1. Sustainable cities, sustainable living
  2. Global change: challenges and opportunities
  3. Science policy and transformation of research practice
  4. Frontier research and exploring extremes
  5. Health in our societies
  6. Understanding divided societies
  7. New trends and technologies in transport
  8. The use/mis-use of research and scientific advice
  9. Sharing knowledge
  10. A digital world