Dr. Fernando Boavida: Research Activity in Networking – The Coimbra Connection
Conference: Research Activity in Networking – The Coimbra Connection
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Fernando Boavida
Location: Room 4.1F03, Telematics Department, Torres Quevedo Building, University Carlos III of Madrid, Avda. Universidad, 30, 28911 Leganes – Madrid
Date: 4th March, 2009, at 10:00
Organization: NETCOM Research Group (Telematics Department, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain); IMDEA Networks (Madrid, Spain)
The conference will be conducted in English
Research Activity in Networking – The Coimbra Connection
Networksare faster and faster. The same can be said of networking researchactivity. Research groups wanting to assert themselves in the field ofnetworking have to quickly react to the research challenges that pop upat impressive rate. There are various reasons for this, including:
i) funding – whether you like it or not, it is not possible to do serious research without it;
ii) researchers’ natural interest in topical areas;
iii)overall approach of the group, in order to address important, unsolvedproblems. Nevertheless, a clear strategy must exist, in order toprevent thrashing situations. Using as ‘case study’ the Communicationsand Telematics group of the University of Coimbra, this talk addressesthe research vision, strategy, topics, results and quality indicatorsof research in the networking arena. A substantial part of the talkidentifies and briefly explains the actual research topics beingaddressed, as a way of example. The presentation ends with a shortdiscussion of future steps and requirements.
Who is Fernando Boavida?
FernandoBoavida received his PhD in Informatics Engineering in 1990, and hecurrently is Full Professor at the Department of InformaticsEngineering (DEI) of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of theUniversity of Coimbra. He was the leader of the Laboratory ofCommunications and Telematics (LCT) of DEI until December 2008, and heis currently the Strategic Director for Communications and InformationTechnology of the University of Coimbra.
His main researchinterests are Mobile and Ambient Networking, and Scalable Networking(quality of service issues, mobility and nomadicity, wireless sensornetworks). His publications include six books, seven book chapters, 35papers in national conferences and journals, and 110 papers ininternational refereed journals and conference proceedings. He was thechairman of the Program Committee of QofIS’2001, IDMS-PROMS’2002,NETWORKING 2006, WWIC 2007 and FMN 2008 internationalconferences/workshops. He has been involved in numerous programcommittees of major international conferences, including INFOCOM 2006and 2007.
He participated in European initiatives/projectssuch as COST263 (Quality of Future Internet Services), E-NET (EmergingNetworking Technologies, IST-2001-37814), E-NEXT (FP6 Network ofExcellence on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies) EuQoS(End-to-end Quality of Service support over heterogeneous networks,IST-FP6-2004-004503), WEIRD (WiMAX Extension to Isolated Research Datanetworks, IST FP6 Integrated Project 034622), OpenNet (OpenInterconnect for the Internet Community, IST-FP6 Specific SupportAction 035185), CONTENT (Content Networks and Services for Home Users,IST-FP6-0384239), GINSENG (Performance Control in Wireless SensorNetworks, ICT-FP7-224282) and MICIE (Tool for systemic risk analysisand secure mediation of data ex-changed across linked CI informationinfrastructures, ICT-FP7-225353).
He is a licensed Professional Engineer. He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Computer Communications journal.
If you would like more information about Dr. Fernando Boavida, please visit his homepage: http://staff.uc.pt/boavida