La voz de los doctorandos en DOC-CAREERS (2 de 2)

Volvemos a ocuparnos de laexperiencia de los doctorandos que, gracias al proyecto DOC-CAREERS del EUA,han podido disfrutar de estancias de investigación de hasta tres años en unaempresa. Esta vez, les dejamos hablar con voz propia.

He tomadoseis testimonios del punto 3.5.2 del informefinal (The Collaborative DoctoralExperience – Views of Doctoral Candidates and Holders). Voy a abstenerme decomentar, prefiero que seáis los lectores del blog y los usuarios del portal deempleo quienes relacionéis estos testimonios con vuestras propias opiniones yexperiencias. Para agilizar la lectura he añadido, además de las negritas en eltexto, un título en forma de pregunta a cada testimonio. NO SE TRATA DE UNAENTREVISTA.



T1: ¿Qué habilidadesespecíficas se desarrollan en el entorno privado?


«I obviously hope to attain a PhD in Chemistry aswell as gaining general skills such as report writing,dataanalisis, presentation skills, teaching skills(through lab demonstrating), meeting deadlines, perseverancein problem solving»

Doctorandoen química


T2: ¿Cómo se accede a laformación en la empresa?


«I have access to the training I need but it is on avoluntary basis. I have the sensation that I have better training than a normal doctorate but only if I searchfor it»

Doctorandoen ingeniería y tecnología


T3: ¿Hay algún tipo dedificultad añadida?


«It was hard (still is, just finished writing up) andI underestimated what it would take, but I have learnt a hell of a lot which Iwouldn’t have if I’d done a straight academic PhD. Working with a partnerorganisation both massively enriched the experience but also made it much harder»

Doctorandoen Newcastle


T4: ¿Cuáles son lasprincipales desventajas?


«Disadvantages – extra workin terms of preparing reports etc. The format required for working reports wasnot easily transferred for use in PhD so I felt that I had written up twice. Also, sometimes unrealistic expectations– expecting a full research project that should have a number of researchersworking on it»

Doctorandoen Newcastle


T5 ¿Cómo se revisa y redefineel trabajo?


«[…] Progress reviews areundertaken annually with the university and the business supervisor isinvolved. These reviews are helpful for monitoring,identifying training needs and future work»

Doctorandoen Ciencias Naturales


T6 ¿Es útil hacer undoctorado para consolidar una posición laboral?


«[…] I welcomed the non-academic partner involvementas it bridged the gap between my oldworld and the new academic one.Initially, because of this, I preferred to work at the non-acacemic sponsoroffices and felt I bonded more quickly with staff there than with other PhDcolleagues. Having completed the PhD and returned to full-time work, the involvement ofmy non-academic sponsor also helped me secure the role I now have andopened up networks and opportunities I would not otherwise have so readily hadaccess to. I always intended to keep working in the non-academic sector»

Doctor enCiencias Sociales


PD: Antesde firmar este post os recuerdo que la autora del informe es Lidia Borrell-Damian


Por JaimeCapitel


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