Inauguración de la Biblioteca Digital de la International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI)
Este proyecto llevaba gestándose unos cuantos años, y, finalmente, en 2007 se le dio un nuevo ímpetu, en el contexto del Programa de Digitalización de la Unión Matemática Internacional (IMU) y de su Committee on Electronic Information and Communication (CEIC).
El material accessible en la ICMI Digital Library incluirá, entre otras cosas,
• Los números del ICMI Bulletin,
• Los números de L’Enseignement Mathématique
• Las Actas de los congresos de ICME,
• Los volúmenes resultantes de los ICMI Studies,
• Actas de los congresos regionales de ICMI.
Entre los libros que se ofrecen está uno singular: las Actas del congreso organizado en 2000 por ICMI y la Universidad de Ginebra para celebrar el centenario de la revista L’Enseignement Mathématique, el órgano oficial de ICMI desde que se creara esta organización en 1908.
Para dar cuenta del enorme valor de este instrumento que ICMI va a poner en juego basta hacer un repaso a los títulos de los Estudios ICMI publicados hasta el momento y que en breve estarán accesibles en Open Access en esta Biblioteca Digital:
ICMI Study Volumes (NISS)
Los cinco primeros fueron publicados por la Cambridge University Press en la colección ICMI Study Series.
Desde el sexto, fueron apareciendo en la colección New ICMI Studies Series (NISS), haciendo de editores los correspondientes Presidente y Secretario General de ICMI en cada ocasión. Los primeros volúmenes, desde 1993, fueron publicados por Kluwer Academic Publishers. Tras la fusión con Kluwer en 2004, es ahora Springer la casa editora.
1. The Influence of Computers and Informatics on Mathematics and its Teaching. Study Conference held in Strasbourg, France, March 1985. Study Volume published by Cambridge University Press, 1986, eds: R.F. Churchhouse et al. (ICMI Study Series).
Second edition published by UNESCO, 1992, eds: Bernard Cornu and Anthony Ralston. (Science and Technology Education No. 44)
2. School Mathematics in the 1990s. (Study Volume prepared by the editors following a closed international seminar held in Kuwait in February 1986.)
Study Volume published by Cambridge University Press, 1986, eds: Geoffrey Howson and Bryan Wilson.
(ICMI Study Series)
3. Mathematics as a Service Subject
Study Conference held in Udine, Italy, April 1987.
Study Volume published by Cambridge University Press, 1988, eds: Geoffrey Howson, Jean-Pierre Kahane, Pierre Lauginie and Elisabeth de Turckheim.
(ICMI Study Series)
Volume of Selected Papers published by Springer-Verlag, 1988: Selected Papers on the Teaching of Mathematics as a Service Subject, eds: Richard R. Clements, Pierre Lauginie and Elisabeth de Turckheim.
(CISM Courses and Lectures No. 305)
4. Mathematics and Cognition
No general Study Conference. (Study Volume prepared under the responsibility of PME.)
Study Volume published by Cambridge University Press, 1990, eds: Pearla Nesher and Jeremy Kilpatrick.
(ICMI Study Series)
5. The Popularization of Mathematics
Study Conference held in Leeds, UK, September 1989.
Study Volume published by Cambridge University Press, 1990, eds: Geoffrey Howson and Jean-Pierre Kahane.
(ICMI Study Series)
6. Assessment in Mathematics Education
Study Conference held in Calonge, Spain, April 1991.
Two Study Volumes published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993:
Cases of Assessment in Mathematics Education, ed: Mogens Niss.
(New ICMI Study Series 1); and
Investigations into Assessment in Mathematics Education, ed: Mogens Niss.
(New ICMI Study Series 2)
7. Gender and Mathematics Education
Study Conference held in Höör, Sweden, October 1993.
Study Volume published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996: Towards Gender Equity in Mathematics Education, ed: Gila Hanna.
(New ICMI Study Series 3)
Proceedings of the Study Conference published by Lund University Press, 1995, eds: Barbro Grevholm and Gila Hanna.
8. What is Research in Mathematics Education and What are its Results?
Study Conference held in College Park, USA, May 1994.
Study Volume (two books) published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998: Mathematics Education as a Research Domain: A Search for Identity, eds: Anna Sierpinska and Jeremy Kilpatrick.
(New ICMI Study Series 4)
9. Perspectives on the Teaching of Geometry for the 21st Century
Study Conference held in Catania, Italy, September 1995.
Study Volume published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998: Perspectives on the Teaching of Geometry for the 21st Century: An ICMI Study, eds: Carmelo Mammana and Vinicio Villani.
(New ICMI Study Series 5)
10. The Role of the History of Mathematics in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
Study Conference held in Luminy, France, April 1998.
Study Volume published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000: History in Mathematics Education: The ICMI Study, eds: John Fauvel and Jan van Maanen.
(New ICMI Study Series 6)
11. The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics at University Level
Study Conference held in Singapore, December 1998.
Study Volume published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002: The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics at University Level: An ICMI Study, ed: Derek Holton.
(New ICMI Study Series 7)
Selected papers presented at the Study Conference published as a special issue of the International Journal for Mathematical Education in Science and Technology Vol. 31, No. 1 (January-February 2000) pp. 1-160
12. The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra
Study Conference held in Melbourne, Australia, December 2001.
Study Volume published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004: The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra: The 12th ICMI Study, eds: Kaye Stacey, Helen Chick and Margaret Kendal.
(New ICMI Study Series 8)
13. Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions: A Comparative Study of East Asia and the West
Study Conference held in Hong Kong, SAR China, October 2002.
Study Volume published by Springer, 2006: Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions – A Comparative Study of East Asia and the West: The 13th ICMI Study, eds: Frederick K.S. Leung, Klaus-D. Graf and Francis J. Lopez-Real.
(New ICMI Study Series 9)
14. Applications and Modelling in Mathematics Education
Study Conference held in Dortmund, Germany, February 2004.
Study Volume published by Springer, 2007: Modelling and Applications in Mathematics Education: The 14th ICMI Study, eds: Werner Blum, Peter L. Galbraith, Hans-Wolfgang Henn and Mogens Niss.
(New ICMI Study Series 10)
15. The Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics
Study Conference held in Aguas de Lindóia, Brazil, May 2005.
Study Volume published by Springer, 2009: The Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics: The 15th ICMI Study, eds: Ruhama Even and Deborah Loewenberg Ball.
(New ICMI Study Series 11)
16. Challenging Mathematics in and Beyond the Classroom
Study Conference held in Trondheim, Norway, June 2006.
Study Volume published by Springer, 2009: Challenging Mathematics In and Beyond the Classroom: The 16th ICMI Study, eds: Edward J. Barbeau and Peter J. Taylor.
(New ICMI Study Series 12)
17. Digital Technologies and Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Rethinking the Terrain
Study Conference held in Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2006.
Study Volume to be published by Springer in 2009.
(New ICMI Study Series 13)
18. Statistics Education in School Mathematics: Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Education
Study organised jointly by ICMI and the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE). Study Conference held in Monterrey, México, July 2008.
Study Volume to be published by Springer in 2010.
(New ICMI Study Series 14)
Desde aquí nos atrevemos a pedir a los responsables de la Política Educativa en España y sus Comunidades Autónomas su interés en que estos importantes elementos para la mejora de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas estuvieran disponibles en lengua española.
Manuel de León. Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas ICMAT (CSIC-UAM-UC3M-UCM) y Real Academia de Ciencias; Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de la Unión Matemática Internacional.
Excelente noticia. Esta fuente tan autorizada de información es un gran aporte para la comunidad de Didáctas de las matemáticas.
Excelente noticia. Es un gran aporte para la comunidad de didáctas del mundo.