El mito de Darwin: la vida y mentiras de Charles Darwin
Acaba de publicarse (Regnery Publishing, Inc.; 2 de Junio de 2009) el libro:
The Darwin Myth: The Life and Lies of Charles Darwin
Cuyo título en español es:
El mito de Darwin: La vida y mentiras de Charles Darwin
Su autor es Benjamin Wiker
Y la breve reseña de la editorial dice así:
Wiker offers a critical analysis of Charles Darwin’s theories as well as the social, scientific, and religious implication of his work, leading readers to the inevitable truth about Darwin’s powerful, and, as the author believes, poisonous legacy.
Que traduzco al español:
Wiker ofrece un análisis crítico de las teorías de Charles Darwin así como la implicación social, científica y religiosa de su trabajo, llevando a los lectores a la verdad inevitable acerca del poderoso y como cree el autor, envenenado legado de Darwin.
Algunos de sus párrafos:
But the problem with Darwinism is not just science. As we will soon see, Darwin’s intense desire to set forth a God-free view of evolution brought him to offer an account of human development in which everything about human beings, even their moral capacities, is explained entirely as the result of natural selection, that is, of the struggle for survival where the more fit eliminate the less fit. So-called “social Darwinism” is not, as is typically assumed today, a misapplication of Darwinism, it is Darwinism, and it provides an open rationale for eugenics and racism. This had abhorrent consequences in the twentieth century; and unless we understand Darwinism’s flaws, there is no reason to believe it will not have equally abhorrent consequences in our own.