La selección natural y la Ecología de Semillas (Natural selection and The Ecology of Seeds)

  En el capítulo 1, sección 1. 6, subsección Seed size and environment, en la página24 del libro titulado «The Ecology of Seeds» , de Michel Fenner and Ken Thompson, se lee lo siguiente:     Since natural selection maximizes the number of surviving offspring, it seems at first sight that selection should favour the largest possible seed output. However, if large seeds (and thus largers sedlings) are better able to overcome some environmental hazards, then the greater probability of…

Dobzhansky versus Dostoyevski

  Como corresponde a toda ideología de aspiraciones universales, una vieja idea central del darwinismo consiste en ocuparse de la moral colectiva, universal o global de toda la humanidad.  El propio Darwin escribió:     At present the most usual argument for the existence of an intelligent God is drawn from deep inward conviction and feelings which are experienced by most persons. But it cannot be doubted that Hindoos, Mahomedans and others might argue in the same manner and with…